Gallery » Arts & Crafts

Arts & Crafts

Wild Robots
Students created their very own robots recently, as part of a Wild Robot (by Peter Brown) Novel Study that combined both Art and Literacy. Well done Mrs. Fowle's class!
Pumpkin Decorating Contest
Thank you to everyone who participated in our pumpkin decorating contest. We had lots of participation in this contest, and so many amazing and creative entries.
Congratulations to all of our winners and a big thank you to Mr. Irving, Teacher-Librarian, for organizing this fun Halloween contest for our students!
All About Sunflowers
Many of our classes learned all about Sunflowers recently, and created beautiful Van Gogh inspired artwork. Well done students! Thank you to the teachers who brought in such fine sunflower specimens from your gardens as well, to help teach about these fascinating flowers and their lifecycle, etc.
Creating Talking Sticks - Cultural Indigenous Activity
See pictures here of our Indigenous Support Worker, Ms. Alex,  helping students create talking sticks with thread and beads. Ms. Alex explained the origin of talking sticks to our students, and showed how they are used as a tool in Indigenous Communities to foster listening and respect in groups.