Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
Naramata School believes that each member of the school community has the right and responsibility to:
- Work and learn in a safe and secure environment,
- Be responsible for his/her own behavior and the resulting consequences,
- Respect and cooperate with others,
- Respect and take care of own and others’ belongings and school property.
Students are expected to treat themselves, others, and property with safety and respect, this is discussed at assemblies and in the classroom. Specifically, students will be informed how the code of conduct is applied to all settings, in the hallways, in the classrooms and gym, on the playground, in the washrooms, and on the buses as follows:
In All Settings:
- Be Safe – follow expectations, make good choices, keep hands off and stay away from strangers.
- Be Respectful – of authority, of others’ privacy, school property, personal property, personal space, of others opinions, and choices. Use appropriate voice levels, use appropriate language and be courteous. Be respectful of the environment, and whenever possible reduce, recycle & reuse.
In Hallways:
- Be Safe – walk & keep to the right, use handrails on stairs & keep locker doors closed.
- Be Respectful - take care of displays and materials, wipe your feet at the door, hold the doors for others, take turns at the fountain, use assigned entrances/exits.
In Classrooms & Gym:
- Be Safe – follow class rules, put equipment & materials away, keep floor area clear, bring gym strip, wear shoes.
- Be Respectful – use proper manners, listen to instructions & follow directions, share when appropriate, be prepared and be on time, wait your turn, and show good sportsmanship.
- Be Safe – take turns, keep hands off, do not throw dangerous objects, stay within school boundaries, report any strangers on the playground, report bullying or unsafe behavior, use equipment with care.
- Be Respectful – include others, share equipment, be a good sport, put litter in garbage cans, follow supervision requests.
- Be Safe – straight there and straight back, wait your turn, keep lights on, keep floor dry and litter free, report problems.
- Be Respectful – respect privacy, keep area clean, flush toilet/wash hands, conserve water and paper towels, use quiet voices.
- Be Safe – be on time for your stop, wait off the road in a safe spot, remain seated when bus is moving, keep hands, feet and objects to yourself, & walk across the road with care.
- Be Respectful – follow driver’s or leader’s directions, share your seat kindly, stay in the bus line order, use appropriate voice level and language on the bus.
- Parents: If you would like your child to ride the bus as a courtesy rider, you must contact Berry & Smith (250-492-4042) and have a written note with your child with contact information for the bus driver.
Going to and from School:
- Be Safe - go directly to and from school, walk with a partner( s), walk and/or bike on the proper side of the road, walk your bike onto and off of school grounds, wear a helmet, “RIDE, PARK, RIDE”.
- Be Respectful – Stay away from people’s yards, report bullying/problems.